29 maart 2025

No one could ever think that even between EU countries a real border would be installed again.

Due to corona it is – more or less – a fact however. Both our neighbour countries Belgium and Germany have severe restrictions in border crossing. Fun shopping and pleasure trips are forbidden.

The rest of this article is for Netherlands+Philately members only. Please log in to keep on reading.

One of the pleasures for Dutchmen living not too far from the German border is filling up the car.

The gasoline in Germany is considerably cheaper than in the Netherlands.

In fact, the Netherlands is lonely on the top with an advised prise for E10 of € 1,85 per litre. We have a good position and it will hard to be beaten by the number two: Norway with € 1,70. Nothng to be proud of of course.

So, as said, it is worth going to fill up in Germany with only € 1,43. But this is fun shopping and not corona proof.

We do not have real closed borders as we had in the past. Some border places, as well border with Belgium as with Germany they are real twin places and are in fact one place in two countries.

From World War I it is well known there was a real thread between Belgium and the Netherlands. You can see that on a variety of postcards.

That this also happened between the Netherlands and Germany is less known. On this picture postcard with the border in 1917 between the twin villages Dinxperloo and Süderwick you can easily see that it is in fact one village, but at that time diveded with a thread and lots of German border controllers to keep an eye on.

The boy is holding the Essener Zeitung in his hands.                        Map: Google Maps

René Hillesum

René Hillesum

Collector of postal history of Finland and postmarks of Imperial Saint Petersburg.

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