25 maart 2025

Legioen Nederland: A Wartime Postal Artifact from The Hague to Stuttgart

The cover shown here World War II, posted on December 2, 1942, from ‘s Gravenhage (The Hague) in the Netherlands to Stuttgart, Germany. This item features a striking block of four stamps, each depicting a soldier and the text “Legioen Nederland,” representing the Dutch Legion …

Legioen Nederland: A Wartime Postal Artifact from The Hague to Stuttgart Lees meer

The Story of Ellen Weinberg’s 1940 Letter from Amsterdam to Hannover: A Philatelic and Historical Analysis

The cover presented here, dated February 1940, is an extraordinary piece of postal history, representing both the individual story of a young Jewish girl during a critical moment in history and the broader political environment of World War II. The envelope, originating from Amsterdam, provides …

The Story of Ellen Weinberg’s 1940 Letter from Amsterdam to Hannover: A Philatelic and Historical Analysis Lees meer

Philatelic Witness to Resistance and Survival: A Special Envelope

A notable item in the auction catalog of René Hillesum Filatelie on November 30, 2024, is lot number 6181: a 1947 cover from the United States. This envelope, postmarked on March 12, 1947, in Northfield, Minnesota, was addressed to Ies Lipschits in Rotterdam. Lipschits (1930-2008) …

Philatelic Witness to Resistance and Survival: A Special Envelope Lees meer

The Story of Ivo van Voorst van Beest: A Journey Through the Darkest Days of WWII

During the tumultuous years of World War II, many individuals found themselves caught in the crossfire of global conflict and political persecution. One such individual was Ivo van Voorst van Beest, a Free Mason and ardent supporter of the Dutch House of Orange. His story …

The Story of Ivo van Voorst van Beest: A Journey Through the Darkest Days of WWII Lees meer