22 februari 2025

Postal war against postage stamp of the Netherlands commemorating the World Refugee Year 1960

In April 1960, 70 western-oriented countries issued stamps for the proclaimed UN World Refugee Year. Since most of the refugees at that time came from communist countries, four of them protested by declaring these stamps invalid. These countries were Poland, Czechoslavakia, Sowiet Union and Romania. …

Postal war against postage stamp of the Netherlands commemorating the World Refugee Year 1960 Lees meer

Paquebot mail from Dutch frigate during the Korean War

The printed matter (“Drukwerk”) cover shown here was mailed aboard the frigate Hr. Ms. ”Johan Maurits van Nassau” in January 1953. Its destination was Yokohama, Japan. The frigate was on assignment in Korean waters during the Korean War. Upon the frigate’s arrival on January 22, …

Paquebot mail from Dutch frigate during the Korean War Lees meer

Dutch field post from the Waterloo campaign

Throughout the Waterloo campaign of 1815 the allied forces maintained a semi-regular field post system in order to communicate efficiently with each other and the anxious home front. The prospect of Napoleon invading his lost territories (including The Low Countries), defeating Wellington and subsequently consolidating …

Dutch field post from the Waterloo campaign Lees meer