12 maart 2025

Press release

Friday and Saturday 27 and 28 may 2022

winterSPRINGSTAMPS is a complete new stamp- and cover fair in Veenendaal (NL) in a luxury environment, the Van der Valk Hotel. About 25 Dutch and foreign traders are present.

The first edition was a success, according to as well visitors as traders. Because of corona the 2021 fair was postponed, the same in the beginning of this year. Now our 2022 fair is possible on Friday and Saturday after Ascension day.

The luxury environment has, among others, a lot of easy sitting chairs, excellent climate inside, sufficient ventilation, good bar- en restaurant facilities, free parking and Wi-Fi and good illumination. Wheelchair accessible

Entrance fee for the fair, symposium and public Royal meeting: € 6,50 each day including: indoor parking and unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks.

The fair is open on Friday May 27: 10.00-18.00h. and Saturday May 28: 10.00-17.00h.

Address: Van der Valk Hotel Veenendaal: Bastion 73, 3905 NJ Veenendaal


Friday-evening May 27: 19.30-22.00, symposium ‘De mores in de filatelie, wat zijn de grenzen’.

Limited amount of seats. Entrance fee for visitors of the fair free, others: € 6.50 including coffee, tea, soft drinks. Pre-registration: (Jan Heijs).

Program and discussion (entirely in Dutch):

  • Kun je dat maken? Juridische mores in de filatelie. Ben de Deugd, advocaat en filatelist.
  • Catalogusprijs, feit of fictie? Erik Buitenkamp, postzegelhandelaar.
  • Is een attest beter dan een keurstempel? Hans Wilderbeek, keurmeester BPP.
  • Zijn alleen UPU landen verzamelwaardig? Jan Heijs, auteur.


Saturday evening May 28: 19.00-22.00, public meeting Royal Philatelic Society London.

  • Book presentation “Postal Routes to the Dutch Possessions in West Africa, West-Indies and Suriname 1652 to 1919” by the writer Sven Påhlman, Zweden. (In the English language)).

  • Post tijdens de burgeroorlog in Liberia, Marc Parren. (in the Dutch language)

Limited amount of seats. Entrance fee for visitors of the fair free, others:€ 6.50 including coffee, tea, soft drinks. Pre-registration (Jan Heijs).

Easily accessible to the venue:
This modern hotel is centrally located in the Netherlands at the motorway A12, about an hour driving from Rotterdam, Den Haag, Amsterdam, Lelystad, Zwolle, Hengelo, Eindhoven, Venlo, Breda, Emmerich, Cleve and Wesel.
Visitors easily can arrive by train or bus. Direct train from Schiphol to Veenendaal-De Klomp. Railway station Veenendaal-De Klomp (intercity) is eight minutes walking away from the hotel. Or travelling by bus from Amersfoort to Rhenen via railway station Veenendaal-Centrum and Veenendaal-De Klomp and two minutes walking

winterSPRINGSTAMPS is planned every year in May. Trading is only allowed by participating traders. More info: www.winterstamps.nl .

Contact: secretaris@winterstamps.nl (Willem-Jan Leeflang) T: (+31)06-24558742.

René Hillesum

René Hillesum

Collector of postal history of Finland and postmarks of Imperial Saint Petersburg.

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